AppAwareness WinRM Account is wrong or not set

Applications on some VMs are not discovered in Table User VM and Processes on VM By CPU Usage returns the error Unable to connect to the remote virtual machine since AppAwareness WinRM Account is not set.

Task status

NOTE: This is applicable on HYCU Nutanix MP version 2.0

Troubleshooting steps

  1. In SCOM console navigate to Authoring -> Management Pack Templates -> HYCU SCOM MP for Nutanix: Application Awareness Configuration and check if the wizard was started to create a new template instance with accounts. If wizard was not started, then please follow the steps to setup WinRM Account.
  1. In SCOM console navigate to Administration -> Run As Configuration -> Accounts and check credentials for all HYCU Nutanix AppAwareness Account for .... Please set valid credentials: account name and password (in case VM is part of a certain domain, e.g. '', set account name as "").
  1. After credentials are set wait at least 6 hours for discovery to reappear. In case you don't want to wait so long, you can overwrite the discovery intervals as described below.

NOTE (How to override discovery intervals): 
Navigate to Authoring -> Management Pack Objects -> Object Discoveries and search for:

  • Application Awareness Discovery
  • Application Awareness Discovery on User VMs

In both objects override Discovery IntervalDiscovery Spread and Timeout to desired values (e.g. 900, which is 15 minutes for Discovery Interval, 300, i.e. 5 minutes for both Discovery Spread and Timeout).

Discovery Interval, Discovery Spread and Timeout for Application Awareness Discovery object

Discovery Interval, Discovery Spread and Timeout for Application Awareness Discovery on User VMs object

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