Remote management connection failed (Access is denied)


Remote management connection to VM '<IP address>' failed with message: Host type could not be automatically determined - neither WinRM nor SSH can be used to manage the host. This could indicate unsupported host operating system type, or some connection problem (e.g. invalid credentials or invalid host name). If the host is running Windows, verify that it has WinRM enabled; if the host is running Linux, verify that it has SSH enabled. Connection to the host via WinRM failed (Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimException) with the following message: "Access is denied." Connection to the host via SSH failed (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) with the following message: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it <IP address>:22"



You need to check WinRM account configuration in SCOM console.

Follow the steps...

Check if account is created:

  • Open SCOM console and navigate to Administration -> Run As Configuration -> Accounts
  • Check if account for WinRM access is created. This account must have Basic Authentication type.
  • This account must be local administrator on monitored VM machines
  • If account exist, check account credentials to be sure that proper username and password are provided to account
  • Create new account if account is not already created.


Check if account is assigned to Profile and properly distributed:

  • In SCOM console, navigate to: Administration -> Run As Configuration -> Profiles
  • Search for Comtrade MP for Nutanix AppAwareness WinRM Account and open this profile
  • Select Run As Accounts in opened wizard
  • Check if appropriate Account is assigned for Nutanix Cluster. If NOT, click on Add/Edit option to assign new account. This account is the same account created under Accounts section above.
  • Click Save when you add proper account
  • Now, check account distribution. Click on link in Run As Profile wizard. New window will pop up. Under Selected computers you should have all SCOM management servers that are under Comtrade Nutanix Management Resource Pool
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