How to collect support logs for F5 BIG-IP MP

If you encounter a problem when using F5 BIG-IP MP, the information in log files can help us determine the symptom of the problem. Use the following approach to access the F5 BIG-IP MP log files:

  • Open SCOM console.
  • Navigate to F5 BIG-IP (by HYCU) folder -> MP Administration -> Data Collector Administration view.
  • Select appropriate monitoring node under HYCU SCOM Data Collector for F5 BIG-IP Status.
  • Run Collect Support Information task using Run As Account with elevated permissions.
  • Output directory MPBIGIPSupport_NODENAME_DATE_TIME will be created by default in the %ProgramData%\Comtrade\Comtrade F5 Data collector\Support tool output.
  • ZIP the MPBIGIPSupport_NODENAME_DATE_TIME directory and send it to support.

Please repeat the steps on all SCOM servers that are configured to run F5 MP Datacollector Service.

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