HYCU for GC / List of backups of deleted disks

Please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to HYCU for Google Cloud.
  2. Select the protection set for which you want to generate a report.

Important! If you have multiple protection sets, repeat the following steps for each protection set.

  1. Navigate to the Reports panel.
  2. Click New to create a new report.
  3. Change the time range to All.
  4. For instances: Add the following tags:
    • VM name
    • Protection, and then select only the UNPROTECTED and PROTECTED_DELETED check boxes.
    • VM size
    • Last restore point, and then clear the N/A check box.
  5. For applications: Add the following tags:
    • Application name
    • Application protection, and then select only the UNPROTECTED and PROTECTED_DELETED check boxes.
    • Last restore point, and then clear the N/A check box.
  6. Save the report.
  7. Generate a new report version by selecting the report and clicking Generate.

Important! The report data is refreshed every hour. If some data is missing, wait for the next refresh cycle.

How to read the report:

The report will generate a table of instances or applications that will be billed according to the new billing changes.

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